TOSHIBA® Self Checkout Channel for LATAM

Faster, easier and more convenient shopping experience that balances autonomy for the buyer and better service for customers. #SelfCheckoutStrategy #retailtransformation
Ingeniería en Sistemas de Comercio
Faster, easier and more convenient shopping experience that balances autonomy for the buyer and better service for customers. #SelfCheckoutStrategy #retailtransformation
We advise, develop, implement and accompany our clients in each of their implementation processes of Self Checkout Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions. RHISCOM +20 years specialized in retail. Latam coverage. #SelfCheckoutStrategy
We are accompanying one of the main supermarket chains in Chile with a regional presence to implement the replacement of its platform for customer self-service, the Nquire1000 mini kiosks, through these devices the store’s customers will be able to make